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Editing the manifest safely

Introduction: when things go wrong

Let's assume you've successfully implemented tsrc for your organization - now need to make sure to not break anyone's workflow.

Let's see what could go wrong if you make mistakes while editing the manifest, using a branch called broken for the sake of the example).

First, let's see what happens if you break the YAML syntax:

commit 1633c5a6 (HEAD -> broken, origin/broken)

    Break the manifest syntax

diff --git a/manifest.yml b/manifest.yml
index fe74142..068c35e 100644
--- a/manifest.yml
+++ b/manifest.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
   - url:
     dest: bar

After this change is push, anyone using the broken branch of the manifest will be faced with this kind of error message:

$ tsrc sync
=> Updating manifest
Reset branch 'broken'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/broken'.
Branch 'broken' set up to track remote branch 'broken' from 'origin'.
HEAD is now at 1633c5a Break the manifest syntax
Error: /path/to/work/.tsrc/manifest/manifest.yml: mapping values are
not allowed here :

      - url:
           ^ (line: 2)

Similarly, if you put an invalid URL in the manifest, like this:

commit ccfb902 (HEAD -> broken, origin/broken)

    Use invalid URL for bar repo

diff --git a/manifest.yml b/manifest.yml
index fe74142..068c35e 100644
--- a/manifest.yml
+++ b/manifest.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-  - url:
+  - url:
     dest: bar

Users will get:

$ tsrc sync
:: Using workspace in /path/to/work
=> Updating manifest
HEAD is now at ccfb902 Use invalid URL
=> Cloning missing repos
=> Configuring remotes
* bar: Update remote origin to new url: (
=> Synchronizing repos
* (1/2) Synchronizing bar
* Fetching origin
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Error: fetch from 'origin' failed
* (2/2) Synchronizing foo
Error: Failed to synchronize the following repos:
* bar : fetch from 'origin' failed

This will probably not be a huge problem for you, dear reader, because you know about tsrc's manifest and its syntax.

It will, however, be a problem for people who are just using tsrc without knowledge of how it is implemented, because those error messages will definitely confuse them.

Using the apply-manifest command to avoid breaking developers workflow

If you have a file on your machine containing the manifest changes, you can use tsrc apply-manifest to check those changes against your own workspace:

$ cd /path/to/work
$ tsrc apply-manifest /path/to/manifest-repo/manifest.yml
# Check that the changes are OK
# If so, commit and push manifest changes:
$ cd path/to/manifest-repo
$ git commit -a -m "..."
$ git push
# Now you know that everyone can safely run `tsrc sync`

Additional notes

  • It is not advised to edit the file in .tsrc/manifest/manifest.yml directly, because tsrc sync will silently undo any local changes made to this file. This is a known bug, see #279 for details.

  • It is common to place the manifest repo itself in the manifest - so it's easy to edit or read:

# In - manifest.yml
  - url:
     dest: manifest

  - url:
     dest: foo

  - url:
     dest: bar

In that case, you would use:

$ tsrc apply-manifest <workspace>/manifest/manifest.yml

to check changes before pushing them.