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What does the name mean?

The t stands for tool and src for sources.

If you speak French, you can also remember the name as "tes sources".

Why not repo?

We used repo for a while, but found that tsrc had both a better command line API and a nicer output.

On a less subjective level:

  • Good support for Windows (no need for Cygwin or anything like that)

  • Also, tsrc tries hard to never do any destructive operation or unexpected actions.

    For instance, tsrc never puts you in a "detached HEAD" state, nor does automatic rebase. It also never touches dirty repositories.

    This is achieved by using mostly 'porcelain' commands from git, instead of relying on plumbings internals.

Also (and this matters a lot if you think about contribution):

  • Uses PEP8 coding style, enforced with black
  • Comprehensive test suite
  • Fully type-checked with mypy

Note that there are a few features present in repo that are missing from tsrc (but may be implemented in the future). Feel free to open a feature request if needed!

Why not git-subrepo, mu-repo, or gr?

All this projects are fine but did not match our needs:

  • git-subrepo squashes commits, and we prefer having normal clones everywhere.
  • mu-repo is nice and contains an interesting dependency management feature, but currently we do not need this complexity.

In any case, now that the whole team is using tsrc all the time, it's likely we'll keep using tsrc in the future.

Why not git submodule?

It's all about workflow.

With git-submodule, you have a 'parent' repository and you freeze the state of the 'children' repositories to a specific commit.

It's useful when you want to re-build a library you've forked when you build your main project, or when you have a library or build tools you want to factorize across repositories: this means that each 'parent' repository can have its children on any commit they want.

With tsrc, all repositories are equal, and what you do instead is to make sure all the branches (or tags) are consistent across repositories.

For instance, if you have foo and bar, you are going to make sure the 'master' branch of foo is always compatible to the 'master' branch of bar.

Or if you want to go back to the state of the '0.42' release, you will run: tsrc foreach -- git reset --hard v0.42.

Note that since tsrc 0.2 you can also freeze the commits of some of the repositories.

Last but not least, if you really need to use fixed references, you may do so by adding a sha1 or tag line to the manifest. See the relevant guide for more details.

Why not using pygit2 or similar instead of running git commands?

First off, we do use pygit2, but only for tests.

Second, the pygit2 package depends on a 3rd party C library (libgit2) - and that can cause problems in certain cases. If we can, we prefer using pure-Python libraries for the production code.

Finally, we prefer calling git "porcelain" commands, both for readability of the source code and ease of debugging (see below).

Why do you hide which git commands are run?

It's mainly a matter of not cluttering the output. We take care of keeping the output of tsrc both concise, readable and informative.

That being said:

  • In case a git command fails, we'll display the full command that was run.
  • If you still need to see all the git commands that are run, we provide a --verbose flag, like so: tsrc --verbose sync


It's nice to read and write, and we use the excellent ruamel.yaml which even has round-trip support.

Also, being Python fans, we don't mind that white space is part of the syntax.

Why do I have to create a separate git repo with just one file in it?

See #235 for why you can't have multiple manifest files in the same repository.

Also, note that you can put other files in the repo - for instance, add a CI script that verifies the yaml syntax and checks that all the repos in the manifest can be cloned.