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Manifest configuration

The manifest configuration must be stored in a file named manifest.yml, using YAML syntax.

It is always parsed as a mapping. Here's an example:

  - url: git@gitlab.local:proj1/foo
    dest: foo
    branch: next

      - name: origin
        url: git@gitlab.local:proj1/bar
      - name: upstream
    dest: bar
    branch: master
    sha1: ad2b68539c78e749a372414165acdf2a1bb68203

  - url: git@gitlab.local:proj1/app
    dest: app
    tag: v0.1
      - file: top.cmake
        dest: CMakeLists.txt
      - file: .clangformat
      - source: app/some_file
        target: ../foo/some_file

In this example:

  • First, proj1/foo will be cloned into <workspace>/foo using the next branch.
  • Then, proj1/bar will be cloned into <workspace>/bar using the master branch, and reset to ad2b68539c78e749a372414165acdf2a1bb68203.
  • Finally:
    • proj1/app will be cloned into <workspace>/app using the v0.1 tag,
    • top.cmake will be copied from proj1/app/top.cmake to <workspace>/CMakeLists.txt,
    • .clang-format will be copied from proj1/app/ to <workspace>/, and
    • a symlink will be created from <workspace>/app/some_file to <workspace>/foo/some_file.

Top fields

  • repos (required): list of repositories to clone
  • groups (optional): list of groups


Each repository is also a mapping, containing:

  • Either:
    • url if you just need one remote named origin
    • A list of remotes with a name and url. In that case, the first remote will be used for cloning the repository.
  • dest (required): relative path of the repository in the workspace
  • branch (optional): The branch to use when cloning the repository (defaults to master)
  • tag (optional):
    • When running tsrc init: Project will be cloned at the provided tag.
    • When running tsrc sync: If the project is clean, project will be reset to the given tag, else a warning message will be printed.
  • sha1 (optional):
    • When running tsrc init: Project will be cloned, and then reset to the given sha1.
    • When running tsrc sync: If the project is clean, project will be reset to the given sha1, else a warning message will be printed.
  • ignore_submodules (optional, default=false):
    • When running tsrc init: if ignore_submodules is true, do not recursively clone submodules.
    • When running tsrc sync: if ignore_submodules is true, do not initialize or update submodules. to the given sha1, else a warning message will be printed.
  • copy (optional): A list of mappings with file and dest keys.
  • symlink (optional): A list of mappings with source and target keys.

See the Using fixed references and the Performing file system operations guides for details about how and why you would use the tag, sha1, copy or symlink fields.


The groups section lists the groups by name. Each group should have a repos field containing a list of repositories (only repositories defined in the repos section are allowed).

The groups can optionally include other groups, with a includes field which should be a list of existing group names.

The group named default, if it exists, will be used to know which repositories to clone when using tsrc init and the --group command line argument is not used.


  - dest: a
    url: ..
  - dest: b
    url: ..
  - dest: bar
    url: ..
  - dest: baz
    url: ..

    repos: [a, b]
    repos: [bar, baz]
    includes: [default]
$ tsrc init <manifest_url>
# Clones a, b
$ tsrc init <manifest_url> --group foo
# Clones a, b, bar and baz

Note that tsrc init records the names of the groups it was invoked with, so that tsrc sync re-uses them later on. This means that if you want to change the groups used, you must re-run tsrc init with the new group list.


More information about how to use groups is available in the relevant guide.