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Using groups

Sometimes it can be necessary to create groups of repositories, especially if the number of repositories grows and if you have people in different teams work on different repositories.

Defining groups in the manifest

The first step is to edit the manifest.yml file to describe the groups. Here's an example.

  - {url: git@gitlab.local:acme/one,   dest: one}
  - {url: git@gitlab.local:acme/two,   dest: two}
  - {url: git@gitlab.local:acme/three, dest: three}

    repos: []
      - one
      - two
      - three

Here we define a g1 group that contains repositories named one and two, and a g2 group that contains the repository named three.

Using groups in tsrc init

If you only need the repositories in the g1 group you can run:

tsrc init git@gitlab.local:acme/manifest --group g1

Filtering repositories in groups with regular expressions

You can utilize inclusive regular expression with the -i-flag and exclusive regular expression with the -e-flag. This allows you to filter repositories within a group or a set of groups for the given action.

To include all repositories in the group g1 matching "config" and excluding "template", you can do the following:

tsrc init git@gitlab.local:acme/manifest --group g1 -i config -e template

Updating workspace configuration

Alternatively, you can edit the .tsrc/config.yml file, like this:

manifest_url: git@gitlab.local:acme/manifest.git
manifest_branch: master
- g1   # <- specify the list of groups to use

You can use this technique to change the groups used in a given workspace - the above method using init only works to create new workspaces.

The config file contains other configuration options, which are described in the workspace configuration documentation.